Review: Much Ado About Nada
Much Ado About Nada by Uzma Jalaluddin My rating: 5 of 5 stars Having loved two previous books by Uzma Jalaluddin (Ayesha At Last and Hana Khan Carries On), I was thrilled to be invited to review Much Ado About Nada. I really enjoyed reading this book. Nada is definitely an interesting character. At times, I almost disliked her (especially at age 11). And yet, I always felt a connection and empathy towards her. And then I came round to really liking her again! But she definitely feels like a very real person to me - as do all the characters. I loved the fact that the story covers her starting to move on from the past and fight for what she wants out of life. Uzma Jalaluddin has a way of making me root for her characters! Overall, this was a heartwarming second chance romance, with great character development. I highly recommend it - and all of Uzma Jalaluddin’s books. The richly drawn characters and wonderful storylines are there every time. I was gi...