Review: Cornish Clouds and Silver Lining Skies

Cornish Clouds and Silver Lining Skies Cornish Clouds and Silver Lining Skies by Ali McNamara
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, how lovely it is to be back in St Felix again. I love this setting so much, and the little bits of magic that happen there. Each time it’s a little different, but it’s always wonderful!

This story focuses on Sky, a meteorologist who is sent there to study the peculiar weather patterns that sometimes occur. I loved the island of Aurora, what a wonderful (though slightly inconvenient) place to live!

It was great to see a main character who has my disability. It almost never comes up in happy, fictional books, and I’ve never read one where the main character had it before. I felt like it was a good and realistic portrayal of someone who has ME moderate/mildly (like many illnesses it varies a lot) and is not really comfortable with it, and trying to hide it from those around them.

I also loved that Sky is a meteorologist, weather physics was one of my favourite modules at university. It was so much fun to read a book that’s centred around a favourite topic.

I thought Jamie was a great character too, though I guessed he had dyslexia from pretty early on. The two main characters both hiding a disability in this way made a wonderful symmetry. I very much enjoyed their love story, and the way they struggled to find a balance between Jamie supporting Sky, but not taking decisions out of her hands. It’s a difficult balance to find, but I feel like there’s definitely hope that their relationship might last.

Other than the romance(s), this is rather an exciting plot, there’s even a secret tunnel! I can’t really say more without spoilers, but it was a lot of fun.

Overall, this was another brilliant, romantic, and magical story from a favourite author. I loved it.

TW: Chronic illness (ME).

I was given a free copy of this book, my opinions are my own.

View all my reviews


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