Blog Tour - Dashiki
Review - 4 out of 5 stars: I’m always on the lookout for new cosy crime authors, so I was pleased to receive a copy of Dashiki to review. It took me a while to get into the story. I think because I don’t know the Jazz world at all, or the locations where it is set, it just took me a little while to acclimatise. None of the characters “clicked” immediately, but I grew to like them very much as the book went on. Once I had got about a quarter or a third of the way in, it suddenly fell into place and I then I really enjoyed the story. The plot was interesting, and I enjoyed trying to figure out who had committed the murder. I like the characters too, once I’d got to know them. Virginia was a little naive and hot tempered, but I really loved her determination to work out who the killer really was, when it looked so bad for her friend. I liked the overall mix of characters too, and there were enough suspects to keep you guessing. Overall, I really enjoyed this interesting murder...